Revision 070323

Your license of, access to and use of any of the features, products and services of the RentCafe application programming interface is by way of that certain RentCafe API Access Agreement between you and Yardi Systems Pty Ltd., a company formed under the laws of Australia (“Yardi”).  For good and valuable consideration including the rights and obligations of the parties in such agreement and these Terms of Use (“RC API TOU”, and together with such agreement, the “Agreement”), you acknowledge and agree as follows:


1.1   Anniversary Date: the date that is the first December 31st after the Effective Date, and each December 31st thereafter, during the Agreement’s Term.

1.2   Applicable Laws: the local, state and federal laws, rules, codes, orders, regulations, and/or other actions of a competent authority applicable or related to Company’s provision of Company Services via the Company Software or otherwise including, without limitation, any local, state, or federal privacy, credit reporting or debt collection laws, if applicable.

1.3   Business Purpose: the development, and maintenance, of the Data Exchange Program, solely for the purpose of permitting Common Clients to automate the exchange of data between the Yardi Software and Company Software, and in the case of Common Client Data, the provision of marketing and leasing services solely for Common Clients’ properties. Company may not provide Common Client Data to any third parties, except as expressly permitted by the Common Client whose Common Client Data is involved.

1.4   Common Client Data: the data Common Clients transmit to Company via the Yardi API in furtherance of Company Services.

1.5   Common Clients: Yardi Clients who are also Company clients.

1.6   Company Services: the services Company provides Common Clients and which the Company intends to interface with the Yardi API.

1.7   Company Software: all versions of Company’s computer software systems, including client-server or web-based delivery systems, that Company has acquired or developed for providing Company Services, including all future versions or systems, as well as all written or printed documentation regarding the systems and their use and all copyrights, trademarks, and other rights, title and interests in the software systems and documentation.

1.8   Confidential Information: all technical and non-technical information Yardi discloses or provides Company, whether disclosed orally or in writing, including, but not limited to:  (a) information regarding patented, copyrighted, trademarked, trade dress or trade secret material or other intellectual property; (b) software programs, software source documents, object code, source code, database dictionaries, database architecture, screen layouts, program workflows and processes, ideas, drawings, models, inventions, know-how, techniques, schema, equipment, algorithms, formulae and any information related to current, future, and proposed software, products and services; (c) the specifications and application program interfaces (APIs); (d) financial information; (e) information concerning research, experimental work, development, design details and specifications; (f) information related to customers, customer lists, investors, employees, business and contractual relationships, business forecasts, pricing and price lists, sales and marketing plans; (g) the fact that confidential, technical or proprietary information has been disclosed; (h) Common Client Data; (i) the terms of this Agreement; and (j) any other information related to Yardi’s business which is of a proprietary or confidential nature.

1.9   Data Exchange Program: collectively means the RentCafe application program interfaces and the user interface modifications and data exchange capabilities (developed by Yardi for Common Clients) to automate data exchange between Common Clients and Company associated with provision of Company Services.

1.10 Effective Date: Date of last party signature on the Agreement.

1.11 Fees: the fees identified in the Agreement.

1.12 Yardi API: Yardi’s application programming interface (API) that allows for the automated import of data into, and export of data from, the Yardi Software for use with the RentCafe application program.

1.13 Yardi Clients: Yardi Software licensees.

1.14 Yardi Software: all versions of Yardi’s property management computer software systems that Yardi has acquired or developed, including all future versions or systems, as well as all written or printed documentation regarding the systems and their use and all copyrights, trademarks, and other rights, title and interests in the software systems and documentation.


2.1.  Within a reasonable period after the Effective Date, Yardi will provide the Yardi API.  Company agrees to invest all necessary time and effort to accomplish the Business Purpose.

2.2.  Yardi will make the Data Exchange Program available to Common Clients for the Business Purpose only. Company may not access or log into Yardi Software for any purpose. Yardi will not provide Company with access to Yardi’s Client Central or any Yardi technical manuals or specifications. Company will sufficiently develop and/or modify the Company Software to accommodate the Data Exchange Program, and maintain and support such modification and/or development.

2.3.  Company acknowledges that the Data Exchange Program will only be available to Common Clients using RentCafe and Yardi Voyager versions 7S or later.

2.4.  The parties agree that the Yardi API and/or Data Exchange Program may be updated or revised to include improvements, upgrades, or other changes to then-current Yardi Software. Company acknowledges that it is Company’s responsibility to further develop and/or modify the Company Software to accommodate any such updates or revisions.

2.5.  The parties agree that at all times their performance, including Company’s provision of Company Services via the Data Exchange Program, will be in compliance with any applicable Federal, state and local statutes, court orders, regulations and rules, including, for Company, the Applicable Laws, and shall be consistent with accepted industry standards.

2.6.  All costs for software modifications to the Company Software shall be the exclusive cost of Company.  All costs for software modifications to the Yardi Software shall be the exclusive cost of Yardi.

2.7.  Company shall provide Yardi with necessary technical assistance as the Data Exchange Program or the Business Purpose may reasonably require.


3.1.  Company agrees to pay Yardi the Fees in accordance with the Agreement.

3.2.  Company’s failure to timely pay any Fees when due is a material breach subject to the terms of subsection 4.2 below. Yardi may charge late payment fees at the lower of 1.5% per month or the maximum rate allowed under Applicable Law.

3.3.  The Fees are exclusive of any tariff, duty, or tax, however designated, levied, or based. Company is responsible for all applicable tariffs, duties, or taxes (exclusive of taxes based on Yardi’s net income) applicable to this Agreement.


4.1.  The Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date of the Agreement and shall remain in full force until the first Anniversary Date (“Initial Term”) unless earlier terminated in accordance with subsections 4.2 or 4.3 below.  Upon expiration of the Initial Term, this Agreement shall automatically renew for successive 1-year terms (each a “Renewal Term”) unless a party provides the other party written notice of non-renewal at least 30 days prior to expiration of the then-current (Initial or Renewal) Term.  The Initial Term and Renewal Term(s) shall be collectively referred to as the “Term.”

4.2.  Either party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the other party if the other party materially breaches this Agreement and fails to cure such breach within 7 days of written notice of a material breach, or if the breaching party cannot reasonably cure the material breach within 7 days, the breaching party fails to initiate cure within 7 days and fails to continuously and diligently work to cure the breach until the breach is cured.  Termination pursuant to this subsection 4.2 shall be effective upon delivery of written notice after expiration of the applicable cure period. 

4.3.  Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time and without cause by giving the other party 30 days prior written notice.

4.4.  Regardless of reason, upon any termination or expiration of this Agreement:

4.4.1.       Company shall stop active promotion, marketing, and similar activities, with respect to the Data Exchange Program between Yardi and Company;

4.4.2.       Company shall return to Yardi within 10 days at Company’s expense, all Confidential Information or any other documents or materials previously provided by the Yardi in connection with this Agreement, except for any portions thereof which are maintained as part of the Company’s customary computer backup procedure (and such portions so maintained will be deleted as soon as appropriate consistent with such backup procedures and shall remain subject to the Company’s confidentiality obligations). Company agrees to provide an officer’s certification of compliance with the foregoing obligation; and

4.4.3.       The Company’s access token will terminate and Company will no longer have access to the Data Exchange Program.

4.5   Neither party shall be liable to the other party for damages resulting solely from termination of this Agreement as permitted in this section 4 (Term/Termination) whether based on loss of profit or income, or as a of result of expenditures, investments, or commitments made in reliance on this Agreement, or in connection with the establishment, development, or maintenance of its business; provided, however, that this subsection shall not prejudice or otherwise affect any rights or liabilities of either party which accrued prior to such termination including, if applicable, liabilities resulting from a breach of this Agreement which gave rise to the non-breaching party’s termination of this Agreement.

4.6   The provisions of, and the parties’ obligations under, sections 7 (Announcements), 8 (Confidentiality), 9 (Intellectual Property Rights and Software Warranty), 10 (Damage Disclaimer, Liability Limitation), and 11 (Miscellaneous), and subsections 4.4, 5.2, and 5.3, shall survive any expiration or termination of this Agreement.


5.1.  Nothing in this section 5 (Other Company Responsibilities) shall be construed to prevent or restrict Company from changing the Company Software at any time, in its sole discretion.  Likewise, nothing in this section 5 shall create an obligation for, or constitute a guarantee by, Yardi to maintain integration of the Data Exchange Program if Company changes Company Software.

5.2.  Company will be responsible for:

5.2.1.               all marketing of Company Services;

5.2.2.               obtaining from Common Clients who use the Data Exchange Program any required agreements, consents, or documentation for Company Services;

5.2.3.               obtaining from the subjects of Company Services (if different from Common Clients) any necessary agreements, consents or documentation necessary to perform Company Services;

5.2.4.               maintaining the security of Common Client Data and personal identifying information related to the subjects of Company Services;

5.2.5.               complying with all Applicable Laws in connection with Company’s provision of Company Services to Common Clients, and as the Applicable Laws pertain to the subjects of Company Services; and

5.2.6.               using the Data Exchange Program in a judicious manner such that it will not overly tax the system.

5.3   Company shall not use the Data Exchange Program to provide programming services or any other services for non-Common Clients.

5.4   Company shall use the Data Exchange Program only for the Business Purpose.

5.5   Company shall not allow any individual or entity, other than Company’s employees, agents and contractors (with whom Company has express written confidentiality obligations) to access or use the Data Exchange Program.

5.6   Company shall not develop, use or permit the use of web automation tools that would mimic an individual’s access to or use of Data Exchange Program.

5.7   Company shall defend, indemnify, and hold Yardi harmless from and against any claims, demands, liabilities or expenses of any kind and nature (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs) for any injury, damage, or liability of any type arising out of or resulting in any way from:

5.7.1                any breach or alleged breach of Company’s obligations under subsections 5.2.2 – 5.2.6, and sections 5.3 – 5.6;

5.7.2                an allegation or claim that Company has infringed upon any patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, or other proprietary or intellectual property rights of any third party in the development, use, sale, installation, copying or distribution of the Company Software.  Yardi shall promptly notify Company in writing of any such claim, shall give Company the opportunity to defend or settle any such claim at Company’s expense, and shall cooperate with Company, at Company’s expense, in defending or settling such claim; and/or

5.7.3                Loss of Common Client Data or any errors in protecting Common Client Data.

5.8   Company agrees to follow Yardi’s best practices when using the Yardi API.  Best practices are designed to optimize data exchange between Company and Yardi, and includes website development best practices such as utilizing a data caching layer. Details of these best practices will be available in Schedule A attached hereto. Yardi maintains the right to disable or reduce access to the Yardi API if Company fails to follow best practices or refuses to make changes in accordance with the best practices.


The parties shall remain free at all times to independently pursue, without the other party’s consent or knowledge, all similar business opportunities with any similar company or entity, whether or not such company or entity is a competitor of the other.  Neither shall be obligated to first present any such business opportunity to the other before pursuing it.


Company may not make any public announcements about this Agreement or the parties’ relationship without Yardi’s prior express written consent and approval.


8.1.  Yardi possesses certain Confidential Information that may become available to Company in connection with the Business Purpose.

8.2.  Company promises and agrees to receive, hold, and use the Confidential Information in confidence and only for the Business Purpose anticipated by this Agreement.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Company further promises and agrees:

8.2.1.               to protect and safeguard the Confidential Information against unauthorized publication or disclosure;

8.2.2.               not to reveal, report, use, publish or disclose any Confidential Information to any third party.  Company expressly acknowledges and agrees that it will not disclose, publish, reveal, transfer, transmit, or otherwise make available any Common Client Data to any third party, except as expressly permitted by the Common Client whose Common Client Data is involved. Company further agrees to disclose Confidential Information only to those of its employees with a need to know, and only in furtherance of the Business Purpose;

8.2.3.               to advise its officers, directors, employees, agents, and independent contractors to whom it provides access to Confidential Information that such persons are strictly prohibited from publishing, using, or otherwise disclosing to others, any Confidential Information; and 

8.2.4.               upon any termination of this Agreement, to promptly deliver to Yardi all Confidential Information and all records, notes, and other written, printed, or tangible materials in Company’s possession pertaining to the Confidential Information.

8.3   This Agreement’s confidentiality obligations shall not apply to information a) in Company’s possession prior to disclosure under this Agreement, b) which is or becomes publicly known through no fault of Company, c) received by Company from a third party not subject to a non-disclosure obligation as to such information, d) Company independently develops without the benefit of or reference to the information disclosed under this Agreement (as to which Company has the burden of proof), or e) disclosed pursuant to government regulation, statute, or judicial order, provided that prior to such disclosure and if reasonably possible, Company informs Yardi of such requirement and permits Yardi to seek a protective order or other relief regarding such information.

8.4   Company understands and acknowledges that disclosure of any Confidential Information in violation of this Agreement may cause Yardi irreparable harm, the amount of which may be difficult to ascertain, and that the remedies at law for such a breach of this Agreement are inadequate.  The parties therefore agree that Yardi shall have the right to apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for an order restraining any such further disclosure and for such other relief as Yardi shall deem appropriate, including specific performance, without the necessity of proof of actual damage or inadequacy of any legal remedy, and without the necessity of posting a bond.  Such rights shall be in addition to any other remedies otherwise available to Yardi.

8.5   The parties agree that the confidentiality obligations set forth in this section 8 (Confidentiality) shall indefinitely survive any termination or expiration of this Agreement.


9.1.  The Yardi Software, Data Exchange Program, and Yardi API are, as between Yardi and Company, Yardi’s property.  Company shall have no right, title, or interest in the Yardi Software, Data Exchange Program, and Yardi API.  Yardi, the Yardi logo and the Yardi Software names and logos are Yardi trademarks and Company has no title or ownership rights in those marks.

9.2.  Company represents and warrants that the Company Software does not infringe upon any United States patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, or other intellectual property right of a third party.






11.1. The parties will perform their obligations under this Agreement as independent contractors.  Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to create any association, partnership, joint venture, principal and agent, or other joint enterprise relationship.  Neither party shall have the power to enter into contracts on behalf of the other or to legally bind the other in any way.  Further, neither party shall represent to any third parties that it has the ability, power, or authority to legally bind the other in any way.

11.2. Neither party shall have any obligation or liability under this Agreement with respect to delays, interruptions, or failures resulting from strikes, government or court orders, acts of God, or other causes beyond such party’s reasonable control.

11.3. All notices, requests, demands and other communications under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been delivered on the date on which it was hand delivered or delivered by facsimile, or on the business day following the date on which it is received by the addressee when mailed, first class, postage prepaid, and registered or certified with return receipt requested or delivered by a nationally recognized courier service with proof of delivery.  For purposes of notice, the address of Yardi shall be as set forth below and to the attention of:

Attn: Legal Department
430 S. Fairview Ave.
Goleta, CA 93117

11.4. Assignment.

11.4.1.     Except as specified in subsection 11.4.2, Company shall not (either directly or indirectly) sell, transfer, sublicense, assign in whole or in part, convey, pledge, or otherwise dispose of this Agreement, or any right or duty under this Agreement, without first obtaining Yardi’s express written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Except as specified in subsection 11.4.2, any attempted assignment made without the prior express written consent of Yardi is void and a material breach of this Agreement.

11.4.2.     Provided that Company is not in default in any of Company’s obligations under this Agreement and subject to compliance with the conditions precedent as set forth in this subsection 11.4.2, Company may transfer or assign this Agreement without Yardi’s consent to a wholly owned subsidiary, or in connection with any merger, acquisition, or reorganization involving Company. Any transfer or assignment shall be subject to the following conditions: (a) Company’s successor continues in the same type of business that Company was conducting at the time this Agreement was made; (b) Company’s successor is not a competitor of Yardi; and (c) Company’s successor provides to Yardi a written ratification and assumption of this Agreement in a form reasonably satisfactory to Yardi.

11.5 Company, on behalf of themselves and their representatives and assigns, agrees not to make any disparaging statements (oral or written), directly or indirectly, about Yardi, to Common Clients.  Disparaging statements include statements that are false, statements that are misleading, and statements that might tend to cast Yardi in a negative light, regardless of their truth or falsity. Failure to adhere may result in a breach of the Agreement.

11.6 No waiver by a party shall be effective unless executed in writing. A party’s waiver of a breach of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach.  No action taken pursuant to this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of compliance with any representation, warranty, covenant, or agreement contained in this Agreement.  No failure or delay of either party in exercising any right, power, or remedy shall preclude any further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power, or remedy.

11.7 If any provision of this Agreement or is held to be illegal or unenforceable under present or future law, such provision shall be fully severable and this Agreement shall be construed and enforced as if such illegal or unenforceable provision never comprised a part of this Agreement, and the remaining provisions in this Agreement shall remain in effect.

11.8 The parties each represent and warrant to the other that it has the full right, power, and authority to enter into this Agreement and that the execution and performance of this Agreement does not conflict with or cause a default in the terms of any other agreement to which it is a party.

11.9 Each party agrees to perform all acts and execute all documents and other instruments reasonably necessary or appropriate to carry out the Business Purpose.

11.10The headings in this Agreement have been inserted for reference convenience only and shall not have the effect of modifying or amending the express terms and provisions of this Agreement, nor shall they be used in connection with the interpretation of this Agreement.

11.11 Each party acknowledges its opportunity to consult with counsel, and acknowledges the opportunity to read and fully negotiate all language in this Agreement.  Because both parties negotiated this Agreement, and because each party had the opportunity to consult with its legal counsel, the parties agree that no rule of construction shall apply to this Agreement that construes ambiguous or unclear language in favor of or against any party.

11.12 This Agreement shall be governed and determined by the laws of New South Wales and Australia as such laws are applied to agreements made and performed entirely within New South Wales, Australia.

11.13 Mediation.

11.13.1    Mediation Request; Condition Precedent: In the event of a dispute arising out of or related to this Agreement which the parties are unable to resolve through direct negotiation, either party may serve upon the other at its principal place of business a request for mediation. Neither party may file an action against the other in any court, or initiate any other legal proceeding, unless and until the party seeking to do so has first requested a mediation hearing and made a good faith effort to complete the mediation process provided in this Agreement.

11.13.2    Mediation Process: The parties will utilise the services of the Resolution Institute to select a neutral, independent mediator with experience in the relevant subject matter, and conduct a mediation in accordance with the Resolution Institute’s mediation rules. The parties shall conduct the mediation not less than 10 or more than 20 days from the date the party requesting mediation gives notice of the request for mediation to the other party. The parties shall conduct the mediation in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. The parties shall equally bear the mediation costs.

11.13.3    Mediation Confidentiality: The parties shall maintain the mediation proceedings in confidence and shall not disclose to third persons the statements made therein by the other parties or the mediator. No evidence of anything said or any admission made for the purpose of, in the course of, or pursuant to, a mediation or a mediation consultation is admissible or subject to discovery, and disclosure of the evidence shall not be compelled, in any arbitration, administrative adjudication, civil action, or other noncriminal proceeding in which, pursuant to law, testimony can be compelled to be given. No writing prepared for the purpose of, in the course of, or pursuant to, a mediation or a mediation consultation, is admissible or subject to discovery, and disclosure of the writing shall not be compelled, in any arbitration, administrative adjudication, civil action, or other noncriminal proceeding in which, pursuant to law, testimony can be compelled to be given. All communications, negotiations, or settlement discussions by and between participants in the course of a mediation or a mediation consultation shall remain confidential. Evidence otherwise admissible or subject to discovery outside of a mediation or a mediation consultation shall not be or become inadmissible or protected from disclosure solely by reason of its introduction or use in a mediation or a mediation consultation.

11.13.4    Mediation Statements; Attendee Authority: At least 5 days before the date of the mediation, each party shall provide the mediator and the other party with a statement of its position and copies of supporting documents. Each party shall send to the mediation a person who has authority to bind the party.

11.13.5    Non-Binding: If a party participates in good faith in a mediation and is dissatisfied with the outcome, that party may then invoke all legal rights and remedies available to the party at law or in equity.

11.14 Each party irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia in connection with any dispute, action or proceeding related to or arising out of this Agreement and expressly waives any right it may otherwise have to cause any such action or proceeding to be brought or tried elsewhere.

11.15 For entities not located in Australia the following applies: UNCISG Waiver – The parties waive any right they may otherwise have to, and exclude, application of the United Nations Convention on International Sales of Goods to this Agreement.

11.16 The Agreement and RC API TOU constitute the entire agreement between the parties regarding the Agreement’s subject matter and supersedes all prior correspondence, agreements, and understandings, both written and oral, between the parties with respect to its subject matter.

11.17       The Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and which together with the RC API TOU shall constitute one and the same Agreement.

Schedule A

RentCafe API V2 Best Practice Guide for Vendors


The best practices presented in this guide take into consideration both the complex, varied data structures used by Yardi, and how that data is shared between a common client’s operational Voyager database and the RentCafe environment. These practices address the intended usage for specific data points, helping to ensure that you (the vendor) have access to the most current, accurate datasets. This guide also provides instructions on how to avoid unnecessary API calls, which can impact performance on Yardi’s systems and environments. Best practices are only intended to provide general guidance for API usage, but remaining in the allotted transaction count, and reducing the number of additional transactions, requires following the recommendations below.

General Best Practices  

1.     In most cases, when you call an endpoint more often than the recommended frequency, the endpoint returns the same information as in the previous call. To reduce the number of calls needed, cache all endpoint response data locally in the vendor application. The means of access to cached data should be handled natively through the vendor application. With the exception of leads and appointments, for which the endpoint responses change frequently, it is better to rely on cached data rather than calling the API for every page load or transactional event. Only call the RentCafe API when sufficient time has transpired between API calls, as defined for each endpoint in the table below. 

2.     Save or cache setup-related endpoint data locally in the vendor application. Because data related to a property’s setup, such as office hours or pet policy, don’t change often, it is recommended that you (the vendor) build a function which can call the RentCafe API for setup-related endpoints only when you are informed by the common client that a change has occurred. Only call setup-related endpoints when the property’s setup changes. 

Lead Generation Workflows 

API Name EndPoint Name Transaction Type Intended Usage  Recommended Usage Limits per property Notes 
ApartmentAvailability getapartmentavailability Basic Displays individual units and rents.  If the property uses a Rev. Mgmt vendor this rent will be a range and only changes 1-3/day.   1/day for ILS vendors receiving daily syndication;   2/day for all other vendors;   ILS Syndication Vendors: You will receive this data in your daily feed, so you can call this function less frequently.  In some instances, common clients and vendors will want to call this function at a higher frequency, but that is not recommended under Yardi’s best practices. 
Floorplan getfloorplans Basic Displays floorplan details including available unit counts and rent ranges. 1/day for ILS vendors receiving daily syndication;    2/day for all other vendors;   ILS Syndication Vendors: You will receive this data in your daily feed, so you can call this function less frequently.  In some instances, clients and vendors will want to call this function at a higher frequency, but that is not recommended under Yardi’s best practices. 
UnitPricingData getunitpricingdetails Basic Returns detailed pricing matrix data as provided by a Rev. Management vendor. 2/day    Do NOT use unless client is using Rev. Mgmt. solution with Yardi Voyager or CRM.  This data changes once, or in some instances twice or thrice a day; any calls beyond those are unnecessary waste.   
Lead createlead Premium Lead generation/ contact us forms  On occurrence  

Tour Scheduling 

API Name EndPoint Name Transaction Type Intended Usage  Recommended Usage Limits per property Notes 
Appointments getavailableslots Basic Tour scheduling functionality Best Practice =12/day Appointment availability is double checked upon reservation of an appointment in the createAppointment end point.  This will account for any slots that get used between API calls. 
Appointments createappointment Premium Tour scheduling functionality On occurrence  
Cancelappointment cancelappointment Basic Tour scheduling functionality On occurrence  


API Name EndPoint Name Transaction Type Intended Usage  Recommended Usage Limits per property Notes 
·  Images  ·  Property  ·  LeadattributionandDNI ·  Reviews ·  Getpropertyimages  ·  Getunitimages  ·  Getpropertydetails  ·  Getamentities  ·  Getofficehours  ·  Getpetpolicy  ·  Getmarketingdetails  ·  Getdnidetailsforproperty  ·  getreviews Basic Property Marketing 1/month or when data is known to have changed as informed by the client. This setup data rarely changes.  Vendors should store this data locally and only check back for updates on very infrequent intervals. 
RentCafeURL ·  Getavailabilityurl  ·  GetpropertydetailpageurlGetapplicantloginurl  ·  Getresidentloginurl Basic Availability Or Portal URL’s One time. Just once during setup.  These URLs do not change once setup is complete. It is very rare for a live property to have a change in these values. 
SearchListing getpropertylistingdetails Basic Property listings for use on corporate apartment searches Max 1/ day or when there is a change  

ILS Listings 

API Name EndPoint Name Transaction Type Intended Usage  Recommended Usage Limits per property Notes 
ILS Syndication ILS Syndication  Basic ILS Listings 1/day This is a file export and is currently once a day.  This option is only available to ILS vendors who have established an integration with RentCafe already.  When an ILS vendor receives this data feed, it should serve as a substitute for 1 API call for both getApartmentAvailability and getFloorplans as noted in the notes above for those end points. 

Call Center data 

API Name EndPoint Name Transaction Type Intended Usage  Recommended Usage Limits per property Notes 
CallData getcalldetails Basic If you are using Rentcafe Call Center and need to use the call data in reporting 1/day This is generally intended for common client’s in-house use and reporting. 

Storage lead generation workflows 

API Name EndPoint Name Transaction Type Intended Usage  Recommended Usage Limits per property Notes 
StorageProperties  getunittypes Basic for storage cafe clients  1/day