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Version: February 21, 2025
Consultant has read, understood, and agrees to be bound by the Yardi Independent Consultant Network (“ICN”) Code of Business Conduct (“Code”) posted at (which will be updated from time to time and is incorporated into this Agreement by this reference). The current version of the Code as of the Effective Date of the Agreement is stated below.
1. Yardi has built a strong reputation based on the importance Yardi places on its relationships. Honesty, respect, integrity, and professionalism are core values Yardi emphasizes in all its business dealings. As you interact with our common clients, prospects, other consultants, Yardi personnel and other industry stakeholders and participants, including at industry events and conferences (including at the Yardi Advanced Solutions Conference (“YASC”)) we expect you and all your personnel will conduct themselves in a manner consistent with these values.
2. This Yardi Independent Consultant Network (“ICN”) Code of Business Conduct (“Code”) is intended to ensure your organization and its personnel have a clear understanding of Yardi’s expectations for how to conduct themselves at YASC and generally with common clients, prospects, other consultants and other industry stakeholders and participants.
3. You will not disclose any client pricing to any other client, prospect or other third party.
4. With respect to YASC, each attending member of your organization shall:
· Be a full-time employee or contractor authorized to attend and represent Consultant.
· Be registered for YASC and wear a badge at all times while onsite at YASC. Nonregistered personnel are not permitted.
· Have at least one registered team member managing the table at all times during opening hours if your organization has registered to have a table at YASC during exhibit hours.
· Treat all YASC attendees – including Yardi’s clients, prospects, employees, and other consultants – with honesty, integrity, respect, dignity, and professionalism always and for the duration of the conference, including after-hour events and social gatherings.
· Immediately comply with any instructions and directions communicated to You by Yardi personnel.
· Be familiar with and educated on Yardi’s suite of products and services when communicating information about the products and services to Yardi’s clients/prospects and not make any incorrect, false, or misleading representations about Yardi or its products and services.
· Only promote your Yardi consulting services and may not sell, market, or otherwise promote other products or services, including products and services that compete directly or indirectly with any Yardi solution.
· Always comply with your organization’s human resource guidelines, as well as comply with all federal, state, provincial, and local laws.
· Comply with all booth-specific guidelines and requirements set forth by Yardi (as applicable).
5. Further, with respect to YASC, attending members of your organization may not do the following:
· Place or hand out any company documentation or advertising materials anywhere throughout the YASC venue other than at your designated booth (as applicable).
· Access Knowledge Central. Knowledge Central is specifically limited to Yardi clients only.
· Have any audio playing at any time. If you are permitted a booth, only videos without audio are acceptable.
· Contact Yardi clients in any manner which may be considered unwanted spamming, regardless of whether such messages are sent via email, direct messages through the YASC mobile application, or any other means of communication.
· Host an event onsite or offsite during YASC without the written consent of Yardi.
· Conduct themselves in a manner that may, in any way, negatively reflect on Yardi, impair Yardi’s relationships with its clients/prospects, or otherwise harm Yardi’s reputation.
· If anyone representing the Consultant plans to participate in any classes or events, such representative must refrain from behaving in a manner that may be considered disruptive to the presenter and/or presentation or engaging in any self-promotion during the class or event.
6. In the event anyone representing your organization including employees and contractors is found to have violated any of the values expressed in this Code, Yardi may, in its sole discretion, exercise any of its available rights including requiring an employee or contractor to surrender their badge and vacate the YASC venue, possibly asking your organization to vacate the YASC venue or possibly terminating the ICN agreement. No refund of YASC registration fees will be provided if this provision is invoked.
7. Thank you for taking care of our clients, carrying on our core values, and participating in YASC. We value your contribution and appreciate your efforts to make this event a success!
8. With respect to other industry events, activities and communications, including social media, Client meetings and industry trade shows, your personnel shall:
• Behave in a professional manner consistent with applicable laws.
• Not disparage Yardi, its products, services or personnel.
• Not misrepresent Yardi’s products or services.
• Conduct themselves in a manner that may, in any way, negatively reflect on Yardi, impair Yardi’s relationships with its clients/prospects, or otherwise harm Yardi’s reputation.
9. If you learn that a Client is not satisfied with a Yardi product or service, you will notify Yardi thereof within a reasonably practicable time period.